About Project Sow
The major aim of Project SOW is to chart a previously unknown field: the views and positions on the relations between Science and religion in the entire Orthodox Christian world, and thus setting the foundations for an organized and advanced dialogue between Science and Orthodoxy, creating a network of scholars from various fields and traditions. This dialogue is to be related with the relevant dialog in West Christianity creating a fruitful interaction.
Thanks to the efforts of ten researchers from all over the Orthodox world, this charting has been accomplished: a database with powerful searching tools has been implemented and it is open access at: http://project-sow.org/data_space. On this database one can find data about books, articles, webpages, videos and broadcasts pertaining to the relations between Orthodoxy and science and interviews of people involved in the dialogue. The languages of these sources are Bulgarian, English, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Romanian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian. All metadata are in English and thus, SOW database is already the main tool for the international studies of the relations between science and Orthodox Christianity.
Project SOW has also created an important network of scholars interested and involved in the dialogue science and religion and more specifically Orthodox Christianity. This network has permitted SOW to organize three major international Conferences in Athens, eight workshops in Saint Petersburg, Belgrade, Volos, Venice and Athens, and two Symposia in Rio de Janeiro and London. From these events but also from research funded by SOW the outcome was 38 articles in peer-reviewed journals, two monographs, three books of workshops proceedings and a new series of books ‘Science and Orthodox Christianity’ launched by Brepols publishing house, where three volumes based on the international Conferences will be published.
Another aim of SOW is to inform the wider public about the science-Orthodoxy dialogue. Eight public lectures were organized in Sydney, Moscow, Bucharest, Sofia, Belgrade, Cambridge, and two in Athens, and a 55mn documentary film ‘Science and Orthodoxy around the World’ was produced (Christos Panagos director, original version in English, subtitled in eight languages). After been shown at film festivals and TV channels the documentary will be available on the YouTube channel of SOW and our website.
SOW has highlighted the major topics that are at the center of interest of the science-Orthodoxy dialogue: Matter and Consciousness, Psychology and Psychoanalysis, Cosmology, Physics, Evolution and Environment, Philosophy and Theology, History and Philosophy of Science, and Bioethics. The SOW network aims at focusing on these topics and interact with the on-going relative discussions in other Christian denominations and religions, thus offering new perspectives for the global science and religion dialogue.