Saint Petersburg Workshop

Theology, Science and the Eastern Orthodox Christian Tradition

May 31, 2017

At the Center for Multidisciplinary Scientific and Theological Research, St Petersburg State University, 9th Street – Vasilievsky Island, Build. 2/11

Organizer: Project Science & Orthodoxy around the World (SOW) in collaboration with the Center for Multidisciplinary Scientific and Theological Research, St Petersburg State University

and the St Petersburg Orthodox Theological Academy 

Coordinator: Alexei Nesteruk, University of Portsmouth, UK; Inter-university Centre for Education in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology at the St Petersburg State Marine Technical University; Member of Project SOW Scientific Committee

Local Coordinator: Revd. Kirill Kopeikin, Center for Multidisciplinary Scientific and Theological Research, St Petersburg State University; St Petersburg Orthodox Theological Academy

Event Schedule

PART 1: Opening and Keynote lectures

10:00 - 10:30

Opening remarks, introduction to Project SOW by Ms Ersi Bakou, M.A., Research Associate, Institute of Historical Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation.

10:30 - 11:00

Revd. Kirill Kopeikin: The Dialogue between Science and Theology in Russia

11:30 - 12:30

Alexei Nesteruk: The Dialogue between Theology and Science in the Eastern Orthodox Perspective: Modern Philosophical Challenges

12:30 - 1:30

Adrian Lemeni (Faculty of Theology, University of Bucharest): The Ecclesial Perspective in the Dialogue between Theology and Science: a case of Fr. Dumitru Staniloae

1:30 - 3:00

Lunch Break


PART 2: Short Communications – Round Table

3:00 - 3:40

Tatiana Litvin, “The knowledge of God and the phenomenological study of religious experience: a contemporary approach” (30+10 min.)

3:40 - 4:20

Dmitry Saprykin, “Orthodox Tradition in Education and the work of the greatest Russian scientists and engineers of the 20th century” (30+10 min.)

4:20 - 5:00

Revd Dimitriy Kiryanov, “Theistic evolution: problems and solution-finding in contemporary theological thought” (30+10 min.)

5:00 - 5:20

Coffee break

5:20 - 6:00

Panel discussion – Round Table

6:00 - 6:30


7:00 - 8:00




Templeton World Charity Foundation
Institute of Historical Research
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Institute for Historical Research National Hellenic Research Foundation 48, Vasileos Konstantinou Ave

GR-116 35 Athens, Greece


For more information about Project SOW contact:


Ε. [email protected]

About Project SOW

Project SOW is organized by:



Project SOW is funded by:

Templeton World Charity Foundation




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