SOW Publications
The main publications of Project SOW.
By Miriam Asliturk Introduction Scholarly literature on the relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and science has largely, and understandably, focused on the church within Russia/USSR to the exclusion of …
The Orthodox tradition and its role in forming the personality and scientific interests of the most important 20th-c. Russian scientists and engineers
by SOW Adminby Dr Dmitry Saprykin SOW Researcher The Orthodox tradition and its role in forming the personality and scientific interests of the most important 20th-c. Russian scientists and engineers Bishop Ignatius …
by Aleksandra Stevanovic Department for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology SOW researcher The paper considers science–religion relationship in the context of three distinct events in the modern history …
by Aleksandra Stevanovic, SOW Researcher Александра Стевановић, Теологија Речника технологије Orthodox theology and modern science and technology are divided by a deep hiatus of historical development. However, Orthodox theology experience …
by Alexandra Stavinschi, Project SOW Researcher Why should we talk about science and religion in the first place? Because people already do that, and they do it a lot. But …