SOW Publications
The main publications of Project SOW.
Book review: Michel Blay, Dieu, la nature et l’homme. L’originalité de l’Occident, Paris : Armand Colin (collection : Le temps des idées), 2013, 358 p.
by SOW Adminby Evdoxie Delli, Project SOW Researcher (Michel Blay, God, Nature and Man. The originality of the West, Paris: Armand Colin, 2013, 358 pp.) * * The book review was first …
by Dr Anna Saprykina The year 2017 in Russia is the century anniversary of Russian revolution. Public, state and scientific events of this year in Russia are dedicated to the …
του Βαγγέλη Κούταλη, ερευνητή Προγράμματος SOW Στον τρόπο με τον οποίο προσλαμβάνεται σήμερα η επιστημονική μεθοδολογία από τον «κοινό νου», αν όχι και από πολλές mainstream εκδοχές γνωσιολογίας, η αλήθεια …
by Aleksandra Stevanović, SOW Researcher At the beginning of May 2017, a vehement discussion on the theory of evolution flooded academic circles and media in Serbia. The petition with approximately …
by Miriam Asliturk, Project SOW Researcher A Short History Scholarly literature on the relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and science has largely, and understandably, focused on the church within …
by Ivaylo Nachev, Project SOW Researcher Science – religion disputes in Bulgarian social media (Some thoughts on the importance of a constructive dialogue when worldviews clash) Public discussions about the …