SOW Publications
The main publications of Project SOW.
by Kostas Tampakis, SOW Researcher As a theme, science and religion is everywhere. While obviously a hyperbole, the preceding assertion is nevertheless surprisingly close to the truth, if one looks …
by Dr Efthymios Nicolaidis, Project SOW Director Claudius Ptolemy, the great Alexandrian astronomer of the 2nd c. A.D., begins his book Mathematical syntax of astronomy, known as Almagest, as follows: “Those …
We are happy to announce that the first volume of the series “Orthodox Christianity and Modern Science” based on the papers of the First SOW International Conference is now available. …
by Prof. Aleksandar Petrovic (University of Belgrade) and Aleksandra Stevanovic (University of Belgrade) International Journal of Tranlsation 30/2 (Jul-Dec 2018) Download Article HERE
Dictionary of Technology and a Double Logos: A Contribution to the Dialog between Science and Religion Edited by: Aleksandar Petrovic Aleksandra Stevanovic 2019 pdf file
Evdoxie Delli, Modern Science and Theology: Two divergent “languages”? (in Greek)