http://www.ctns.org/index.html CTNS is an international program dedicated to research, teaching and public service. The central scientific focus of CTNS is on developments in physics, cosmology, evolutionary biology, and genetics, with additional topics in the neurosciences, the environmental sciences, and mathematics. With regard to the theological task, CTNS engages in both Christian and multi-religious reflection. The Christian theological agenda focuses on the various doctrinal loci of systematic theology. The multi-religious agenda attends primarily to theological issues arising from the engagement between the sciences and religious traditions such as Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Taoism, and indigenous spiritualities. CTNS is a program of the Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley, California. CTNS faculty offer courses at the doctoral and seminary levels in order to bring future clergy and faculty to a greater awareness of this important interdisciplinary work. You may participate in the dialog by joining the Center. In partnership with Taylor & Francis, a division of Routledge publishing, CTNS publishes the journal Theology and Science. CTNS members receive this peer-reviewed journal as a benefit of membership.